Practise mathematics online - the new site of Mathefritz

Fractions exercises - exercises online and as PDF

Fractions Tasks - Overview

Adding and subtracting fractions with Mathefritz
With Mathefritz you can practise a lot of fractions here!

We want to practise fractions intensively here.

To do this, we start with simple fractions .

Afterwards we practise Reducing and extending.

Can you Fractions in decimals or in Percentages convert? This is another topic!

Fractions, decimals and percentages can represent equal values. But if they are different, you can also arrange them from small to large. We have done some online exercises on this.

When we have mastered all these tasks, we will move on to fractions: Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division!

Fraction tasks PDF worksheet and online exercise

Print Maths Fritz Worksheet PDF
Fractions Tasks
to print out
Fractions Tasks Worksheet PDF
Worksheet 1
with the tasks
on fractions.
Fractions Exercises Worksheet
2. worksheet fractions
The online exercises follow!

Fractions Tasks PDF

Two worksheets for the following online exercises. Simply print them out and practise on paper or fill them in on your tablet with a pen.

As a test or class work for an easy introduction to fractions! Are you fit?

online Exercise - Addition of fractions with equal denominators

Fractions Exercises - Exercise (1) Fractions with equal denominators

Enter only the numerator of the fraction in the empty field as the result!

Decimal fractions tasks
Solve the tasks online

Fraction exercises - Exercise (2) Fractions with equal denominators

Enter only the numerator of the fraction in the empty field as the result!

Worksheets Addition and and Subtraction with Equal Denominators 

The tasks from this page as a PDF to print out:

Worksheet Fractions Tasks with Solutions
Worksheets to print out

Adding and subtracting unequal fractions

Fractions add and subtract rule
Fractions with different denominators
are added by bringing the fractions
to the same denominator.
Then add the numerators!

So you can add and subtract fractions if they do NOT have the same denominator (are not of the same name).

Fractions with different denominators can only be added or subtracted when the denominators are the same. To do this, you have to reduce and/or expand the fractions until they have the same denominator.

The common denominator (main denominator) results from the smallest common multiple of all denominators involved!


(1) \(\frac{1}{3} +\frac{1}{4} = \frac{1\cdot 4}{3 \cdot 4} + \frac{1 \cdot 3}{4 \cdot 3} = \frac{4}{12} +\frac{3}{12} = \frac{7}{12} \)  

(2) \(\frac{2}{9} +\frac{1}{6} = \frac{2\cdot 2}{9 \cdot 2} + \frac{1 \cdot 3}{6 \cdot 3} = \frac{4}{18} +\frac{3}{18} = \frac{7}{18} \)

You can also find more theory about fractions on Wikipedia

Normally you do this in fractions grade 5.

Exercise (1) - Find the same denominator of 2 fractions and then add the fractions.Add the missing numbers to the numerator of the fraction. Look carefully. The common denominator of the fractions is already there!

Exercise (2) - Find the same denominator of 2 fractions and then add the fractions.

Add the missing numbers to the numerator of the fraction. Look carefully. The common denominator of the fractions is already there!

Exercise (3) - Write down the task and then work it out!

Add the missing numbers to the numerator and denominator of the fraction. 

Print Maths Fritz Worksheet PDF
Fraction tasks
Addition, find tasks
to print out

Worksheets simple fractions addition and subtraction with different denominators 

The tasks from the exercises type (III) as PDF for printing:

Add fractions
Worksheets to print out

Exercise (4) - Addition of fractions and colouring in

These fractions tasks with solutions tasks are only available as worksheets PDF for printing. Here is an example of how the tasks look:

Adding and colouring fractions
Click on the picture and download!
Print Maths Fritz Worksheet PDF
Tasks Adding and
Fractions Colouring
to print out
Fractions Adding tasks
Worksheets to print out

Fraction tasks with solutions PDF and online

Adding and subtracting fractions with Mathefritz
Now we can also calculate
somewhat more difficult tasks!

Adding and subtracting unequal fractions

Fractions Grade 6 / Grade 5

We first add and subtract two fractions and find the main denominator and then the solution. Then we calculate tasks with several summands and also with brackets!


Exercise (5) - Add, subtract and find the main denominator of the fractionEnter the main denominator in the box and write down the result in the form\( \frac{A}{B} \) Give the Numerator of the fraction in field A and the Denominator of the fraction in field B on!
Print Maths Fritz Worksheet PDF
Print out worksheets for these
Worksheet Adding Fractions Simple
Worksheets to print out

Making cards - adding, subtracting, comparing fractions

Print Maths Fritz Worksheet PDF
Fractions cards as PDF for printing!
Click on the respective picture!
Cards Fractions Decimals Percentages
108 cards, 4 cards per side,
each card approx. 8 cm wide
Fractions printable cards
108 cards fractions, decimals,
percentages, 9 cards per side,
each card approx. 5 cm wide

Flip the card. Simple!

Move the mouse or your finger over the picture!

Playing fractions - adding, subtracting, comparing fractions

Here we show you how to practise fractions with these cards. Compare fractions or build your own tasks. The following variations are possible. There are no limits to your own imagination!

  • Adding fractions and subtracting fractions
  • Compare, arrange or sort fractions
  • find equal fractions
  • Comparing or adding fractions, decimals and percentages

Move your finger / the mouse over the picture!

Comparing fractions - online exercise (1) / online game with playing cards

Put the fractions in the right order!

Comparing fractions - online exercise (2) / online game with playing cards

Put the fractions in the right order!

Fractions - Calculate fractions: The step by step instructions on one sheet

Learn all about fractions with the step by step guide with all the rules and examples of fractions on one printable page. 

Here as sheets in all 4 languages of the WEB page of Mathefritz: German, English, Spanish and French! Click in each case the picture!

Fractions step by step PDF
Fractions step by step in German
Calculating fractions step by step pdf
Fractions step by step in English
Cálculo de fracciones: una guía paso a paso
Fractions step by step in Spanish
Fraction French
Fractions step by step in French

The exercise book for fractions

The exercise book on this topic:

Fractions grade 5 - Fractions tasks with solutions

Maths lesson 5 - Simple fractions

  • 60 p - b/w - DIN A4
  • 5,95 € (D)

ISBN: 978-3941868175

Order directly and quickly from Amazon or in any bookshop!