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Geometric bodies overview - 3D views formulas and tasks

Geometric bodies overview - explore 3D animations and understand bodies

3D body in the overview

Geometric bodies overview 3D
Explore cube, cuboid, cylinder, prism,
sphere, cone, pyramid in geometry

Geometric bodies overview

We consider the following geometric solids:

  • the cube
  • the cuboid
  • the cylinder
  • the prism
  • the ball
  • the cone
  • the pyramid

Cube 3D - explore the cube!

Cube 3D 

The cube is a special solid with 6 equal squares as surface. All edges are perpendicular to each other. The cube has 12 edges, which are all of the same length. Edge length is usually called a. 

We've animated the casts in 3D so you can try out all the views for yourself!



Cube 3D - simple animation

Rotate the cube and zoom in or out with your mouse or fingers! 

Many more variants with calculations and properties can be found on the cube detail page!


Cuboid 3D - explore the cuboid!

3D cuboid - simple animation

Cylinder 3D - interactive animation, explore the cylinder

Cylinder 3D - simple animation

Prism 3D - interactive, explore the prism

Cone 3 D - interactive, explore the cone

Pyramid 3D - explore the pyramid

Sphere 3 D - interactive, explore the sphere

The geometric shapes and solids - where do you need them?

Knowledge of geometric solids is important in various areas of practice and helps in the modeling, calculation, and analysis of objects and structures. Here are some examples:

  1. Architecture and construction: Geometric solids play an important role in architecture and construction. Architects use knowledge of these solids to plan and design building structures. For example, they can use cuboids and prisms to model rooms, and cylinders can be used in the design of columns and piers.

  2. Design and modeling: Knowledge of geometric solids is also important for designers and model makers. When they design products or create models, they must consider the geometric properties of solids. For example, modeling a car, sculpture, or industrial product may require an understanding of solids such as spheres, cylinders, or cones.

  3. Engineering and Construction: In the field of engineering and construction, knowledge of geometric solids is essential. Engineers use these concepts to analyze, design, and calculate structures and components. For example, they can calculate the volumes of tanks or pipes (cylinders) or determine the load-bearing capacity of beams (cuboids).

  4. Mathematics and Geometry: Geometric solids are an important part of mathematics and geometry. Understanding their properties and methods of calculation contributes to general mathematical knowledge. In addition, they are used in various mathematical problems and tasks to illustrate concepts such as volume, surface area, area, symmetry, and transformations.

  5. Physics and Natural Sciences: In physics and other sciences, geometric solids play a role in the description and analysis of objects and phenomena. For example, cylinders and spheres are used to describe the properties of lenses or containers, and prisms can be used in the analysis of light refraction and dispersion.