Practise mathematics online - the new site of Mathefritz

Mental arithmetic exercises class 5 🤔

Practise mental arithmetic 🤔 calculate tasks online

Mental arithmetic problems Mathefritz
Practise mental arithmetic problems grade 5 with Mathefritz!

Calculate the mental arithmetic problems in grade 5 to train and improve your knowledge of basic arithmetic. Solve the problems in your head and write down the solutions. Or draw the correct numbers in your head as the solution. 

On this page you can find almost all the exercises from the Mathefritz exercise book as an online exercise. With the corresponding booklet, you can practise further exercises or use the pages in the booklet as a copy template.

This page is only an overview page. Therefore, click on the buttons to go to the comprehensive exercise pages. The detail pages are still being created!

Here is an example to try out.

Pull the right numbers into your head!

The book with the mental arithmetic problems on this page 🤔

Maths lesson 5 - Mental arithmetic exercises for the basic arithmetic operations

Practising mental arithmetic with the exercise book for mental arithmetic, basic arithmetic in grade 4/5

  • Length: 32 pages, DIN A 4, stitched, b/w
  • Published: 2015
  • ISBN: 978-3941868236
  • Price: €4,95
  • Available everywhere in every bookshop (orderable) or in online shops

Mental arithmetic problems for addition 🤔 - Calculating in your head

Practise mental arithmetic for addition. To do this, it is important to recognise arithmetic advantages. 

As in the example next door: 

233 + 377

Realise that the units go well together and 33 + 77 equal 110.

All right?

Exercise mental arithmetic Addition

Mental arithmetic - subtract in your head!

Subtraction in the head

We practise mental arithmetic problems for subtraction. For this purpose, almost all topics are structured according to difficulty. The tasks are not as difficult as they look at first glance.

Multiplication 🤔 Double, triple, ... , square numbers

Multiplication in your head. To do this, you have to master the multiplication tables. You also use written multiplication in your head. 

Example: 14 times 14 is 10 times 14 plus 4 times 14.

  • 10 times 14 is 140.
  • 4 times 14 is 56.

Together, that's 196, so 14 times 14 equals 196.

You should know the square numbers up to 20 by heart by grade 5 at the latest!

Division 🤔 Halve, ... - all in the head!

The simple division tasks are more or less based on the multiplication tables. You can also use some tricks:

Divide by 5 also means: calculate times 2 and then divide by 10. 

A simple example: 160 : 5 

Now divide 320 by 10, crossing out only the last zero. The result is 32 and you're done!

The book with the worksheets or as copy templates 🤔

Maths lesson 5 - Mental arithmetic exercises

Practising mental arithmetic with the exercise book for mental arithmetic, basic arithmetic in grade 4/5

  • Length: 32 pages, DIN A 4, stitched, b/w
  • Published: 2015
  • ISBN: 978-3941868236
  • Price: €4,95
  • Available everywhere in every bookshop (orderable) or in online shops