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"We are learning the time" - In the book: Learning the digital clock, page 16 to page 21.

Learn digital clock - online & interactive

Digital watch without hands - analogue watch with hands

Digital watches have no hands!

In a digital watch, only numbers are used for display. Watches with hands are also called "analogue watches" as opposed to digital watches. 

Digital clocks display 24 hours. Dial watches show only 12 hours. Some digital clocks only show 12 hours. They then distinguish morning with the addition a.m. (Ante Meridiem) and afternoon with the addition p.m. (Post Meridiem)

In the exercises on this page we want to learn to read the digital clock.

digital analog clock
Learn to read a digital clock

The display of a digital clock consists of different fields. These can be light or dark. The control of the clock switches the individual elements of the display active or inactive. 

8:45 digital

In the example, the time 8:45 is displayed.

First exercise: The digital clock in the morning

In this digital clock exercise, it is morning! The exercise is on page 17 of the exercise book "How to tell the time". 

Second exercise: The digital clock in the afternoon

In this exercise on the digital clock, it is afternoon. The exercise is on page 18 of the exercise book "How to tell the time".

Enter the numbers in 24-hour format!

In this exercise, it's still afternoon.Enter the numbers in 24-hour format!

Third exercise: Enter digital time into an analog clock:

In this exercise, enter the digital time in the dial of the analog clock. Do this exercise in your workbook first and then check the solution here! Draw the hour and minute hands as accurately as possible! Use a ruler to help you.

We start with quarters! This exercise is on page 19 of the Exercise book "How to tell the time".

Always click on the picture or move your mouse over it to see the solution!

Fourth exercise: Entering digital time to the minute in an analog clock

In this exercise, enter the digital time to the minute on the analog clock face. Do this exercise in your workbook first and then check the solution here! Draw the hour and minute hands as accurately as possible! Use a ruler to help you.

This exercise is on page 20 of the exercise book "How to tell the time"!

Always click on the picture or move your mouse over it to see the solution!

Even more exercises digital clock learn to the minute!

This exercise is on page 21 of the exercise book "How to tell the time"!

Fifth exercise: Analogue to digital to the minute

You will find these exercises on page 26 of the exercise book. The exercises differ from the previous exercises in that you now have to write two digital readings for the time on the clock face. For each time on the clock face, there are two times of the day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Drag the correct digits into the fields of the digital clocks!


Sixth exercise: Analog / Digital mixed to the minute

Drag the numbers to the digital clock. You can see the correct display of the clock face by clicking on the clock next to it.

These exercises can be found on pages 28 and 29 in the exercise book.

The exercise book for this page

Uhrzeit lernThe successful booklet now with online maths exercises

Maths lesson 2 - Exercise book, We count up to 100

  • Exercise book for the 2nd grade in elementary school
  • Scope: 60 pages, DIN A 4, hardcover, b/w
  • Published: 2017
  • ISBN: 978-3941868267
  • Price: 6,95 € Available now in every bookstore (can be ordered) or at