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Percentage calculation tasks

Calculate percentages Tasks

Percentage calculation simply explained

How does percentage calculation work? We start with an example

Percentage calculation tasks:

There are 800 children studying in your school. Of these, 440 are girls and 360 are boys. What is the percentage in each case?

In this task we have to calculate the percentage (from now on we will call this percentage or p% ).

The percentage p% is obtained by dividing the percentage (from now on we call this percentage value \(P_w \) by the base value (\(G_w\), which is our initial value.

The following therefore applies: Percentage = Percentage value : Basic value, thus:

\(p\% =\frac {P_w}{G_w}\)

In our task are the values:

Basic value: \( G_w = 800\)

Prozentwert Mädchen: \(P_{W1}= 440\)

Prozentwert Jungen: \(P_{W2}= 360\)

With this we calculate the percentage for the girls and boys:

\(p\%_1=800:440=\frac{55}{100}=55 \% \)

\(p\%_2=800:360=\frac{45}{100}=45 \% \)

Are you fit in fractions? In order to deal with percentages well you should visit our "Percentages" page and test your knowledge!

Calculate percentage change - Percentage calculation - this is how it works!

How to calculate the basic value?

The basic value is our base value. The percentage value refers to this value. If the percentage value or percentage share and the percentage (p%) are known, the base value is calculated according to the following formula:

Divide the percentage value by the percentage!

Percentage calculation tasks basic value
Formula for the basic value
in percentage calculation

Percentage formula, how to calculate the percentage value?

For percentage calculation tasks, you must also be able to calculate the percentage value or percentage share. For this you need the basic value or base value and the percentage p%. Then the percentage value is calculated quite simply:

Multiply the base value by the percentage!

Percentage calculation tasks percentage value
Formula for the percentage value
in percentage calculation

Percentage formula, calculate percentage

Do you know the base value and the percentage? Do you want to calculate the percentage now? For example: what percentage is 50 pieces out of 300 pieces in total? Use the following formula to calculate the percentage:

Simply divide the proportion by the total quantity: Calculate the percentage value by the basic value!

Percentage Calculation Tasks Percentage
Formula for the percentage
in percentage calculation

Percentage calculation tasks practice online

Here you will soon find many interactive online percentage calculation tasks and exercises.

You can find many more percentage worksheets on our partner site!