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Written Addition Worksheets Online & PDF

Written addition - this is how it's done!

Written addition

Written addition worksheets online or as a PDF to print out

On this page we will practise written addition. First we show you the important steps. 

This is how we start a written plus task:

  1. Write numbers correctly one below the other
  2. Add up numbers in the first column from the right, enter amount
  3. Add the numbers in the second column.
  4. And so on until all columns are calculated! 



Step 1


Written addition Step 1

Write down the numbers to be added neatly one below the other, as you have learned in the place value system / decimal system.

  1. One among the ones
  2. Tens among tens
  3. Hundreds among the hundreds
  4. and so on

Step 2


Written Addition Step 2

Now first add up only the ones in the right-hand column (result is 10). If the sum is greater than 10, write down the "carry-over" at the bottom of the "tens column", see in the picture above in blue! 

Step 3


Written addition Step 3

Now add up only the tens in the tens column (result is 13).

You also have to take the value of the carry. If the sum of the tens is greater than 10, write down the "carry-over" at the bottom of the next "hundreds column", see the picture above in red! 

Step 4


Written Addition Worksheets Step 4

Now continue in this way with each column until the last column has been added. 

Pay attention to the carry-over in each case. The remaining places were solvedin the example above in the colour green

Written addition with carry - Exercise 1, the first worksheets

Exercise: Written addition Worksheet 1 

For these two addition exercises, we have added the carry. This should make it easier to solve the problem!

Drag the numbers to the right place!


Written Addition Worksheet 2 

In this written addition, we have still written down the carry for you. This should make it easier to solve the task!

Drag the numbers to the right place!


To print out: Written addition worksheets 1 + 2 as a PDF file

Print Maths Fritz Worksheet PDF
The worksheets for the two
online exercises to print out

Click on the picture!

Now without help for the carry-over - Exercise 2

The next exercise: Addition Worksheet 3 

From now on there is no more help for the transfer!


Drag the numbers to the right place!

Enter "0" as a carry if there is no carry. Otherwise an error appears!


Addition Worksheet 4

From now on there is no more help for the transfer!


Drag the numbers to the right place!

Enter "0" as a carry if there is no carry. Otherwise an error appears!


To print out: Written addition worksheets 3 + 4 as a PDF file

Print Maths Fritz Worksheet PDF
The worksheets for the two
online exercises to print out

Click on the picture!

Written addition - cloze tasks or also called blob tasks

Tasks with gaps: 

Addition Worksheet 5

We improve and solve difficult tasks: Written addition with gaps. 

Tasks are still in progress!


Find the numbers for the gaps and drag the matching numbers to the right place!


even more blotting tasks: 

Written addition Worksheet 6

We improve and solve difficult tasks: Written addition with gaps. 

Tasks are still in progress!

Find the numbers for the gaps and drag the matching numbers to the right place!


To print out: Written addition worksheets 5 + 6 as a PDF file

Print Maths Fritz Worksheet PDF
The worksheets for the two
online exercises to print out

Click on the picture!